Chiku - a morning person
As all babies are, Chiku is a morning person.Actually a very early morning person. He is usually quite alert and awake a bit before five in the morning. D is you guessed, not a morning person at all. So we have an issue here. But not really.Chiku's father is a morning person and so they get to hang out together, the boy's time out, for a couple of hours every morning.
The father loves it as it is truly a one on one time with his son and he does not get much of face time when D is around with Chiku. It is also a time when both of them are fresh and great to go. I get up and watch them have fun. Chiku is crawling all over the place. He goes to the shelf which has his toys that D has put back the previous night. He methodically takes them one by one and flings them on the floor. Once that is done, he goes near the sofa and pulls down each and every cushion lying there. That over he stands near the 'kitchen gate' and talks gibberish while his father is also communicating stuff to him about life. Chiku then has his morning milk and is again good to go with fresh energy. He finds some small spek of dirt or string or anything on the floor and tries to put it into his mouth.See I told you he is into taste in a big way, so everything has to go into his mouth. Prevented from succeeding in this, he turns and goes near the shoe rack. Some footwear remains outside the rack and he is making a beeline for it. Father anticipates and catches him well before and lifts him and allows Chiku to climb on to him. Chiku then has a good ride on appa's shoulders and sees the world from a different elevation. Chiku pulls at his appa's hair and generally shampoos it with a lot of saliva. Appa is happy and is singing some songs he has composed about our hero Chiku.
Then there is a break; yes, it is potty time and once that is over, Chiku is ready for his siesta. Appa rocks him gently to sleep.And show is over for today.
A friend of mine once told me, that when we are shortlisting a list of essential criteria in a prospective partner in marriage,there should be a specific question as to whether the other partner is a morning or a night person. She believed that they have a better chance of making it work smoothly if both of them are either morning or both are night persons. When both of them are busy, end of the day is the only time they can have time for themselves. That is when she used to feel so sleepy.And morning she is bright but the partner is snoring away. So there were many days when they could not get time to actually be together.
I saw merit in her theory. But now Chiku is raising a doubt on that assumption. One of the parents being a morning person is a very very critical parameter when you are raising a tiny baby.When Chiku keeps awake D finds it easy to be with him in the early part of the night. when appa cant keep his eyes open. So they juggle and it helps them stay sane.
Anyday sanity scores over bonding time! Especially with a tiny infant.