mazhalai mazhai quiz part II
This is for the brave hearted. If you have waded through the first one and are reading this, then you deserve the real tough questions.
1. gumbe :
Bunchin uses this word atleast a million times in a day with some reference or the other.Well even if there is no reference, it is his all time favourite word.Of course next to um tah tah tah! It is a favourite with any child, so this clue should help you..
2. Ju ju :
This is used in the generic version as well as in a particular context. I think this is one of the easier ones and shoud have found a place in the first quiz. Again, not wanting to be repetitive, this is something kids love.Yes, that is why out of the thousands of words in tamil, the kid has picked up this one.
3. grrrrrrr
This gutteral sound is an all pervasive sound, sorry word in Bunchin's vocabulary. It is like a joker in a card game. When he is at a loss for the correct sound to denote something of interest to him, he tells grrrrr, and sure enough looking at the context, D is able to zero in on the particular word. At the last count there are atleast six different words that Bunchin wants to say with this single sound.
4. Doppa
Yes, this is an easy one and again should have gone into the first quiz. Anybody and everybody will be able to crack this one and go with a feel good factor!
5. nila
No clue please.
6. Kooo
No clue again. Crack your brains and get the answer, quite easily in fact.
7. kho kho
This is not the game. He says this in such a sweet manner, that it really floored me what he is trying to say. Again refer D's dictionary and I felt I should have cracked this one easily.
Clue is ihis : He looks at D and sometimes says "amma kho kho". So there!
Answers in the next post!
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