
Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Language lab is very active

We had a video clip of Bunchin, where he is talking non stop while turning the pages of a book that thatha was showing him. Not one word or a series of sounds was intelligible to us. But Bunchin was taking his own courses in vocabulary and training non stop. It was hilarious. D said this is just a peep into what he is doing throughout the day. He is babbling non stop( actually the lannguage equivalent of ahara sadhagam in music)

He comes on the phone sometimes to talk to me. He said a few words and repeated them over and over again. So I had to ask D for help. She said he is adding roughly two to three words everyday that I am able to make out. He is saying 'auto' with a soft ending "aathoo". He said kaa for car. Scooter he learned to pronounce a while earlier ''choothai". Yes, he is also able to identify them on the road.

Yesterday a video clip which D sent had him casually walking around the house saying 'cheetah cheetah" and when D asked him he said 'chithhi". D told me he was earlier looking at a pictorial book of animals and was pointing to cheetah and saying yes, accurately as cheetah. Oh great day. He was saying the correct word and I was looking for the interpreter. Chitti he got it just like that. D says he must have heard her mention chitti and has just picked up that word.

Another hilarious one was about 'innonnu'. In tamil it means 'another one'. We use it quite frequently in our conversation and he has picked it up. He was sitting with a few bowls of water for generally fooling around and pouring them all over himself and on the floor. When D was trying to take them away, he said 'innonnu' for the first time. D was wondering what it is and then quickly cottoned on to what he was saying. He was telling her, you are taking my play things away , give me one more!

Last night D told me excitedly that he is able to denote little and lots by his hand gestures and facial expressions. He puts all his tiny fingers together in both his hands and crinks his eyes to denote "very little". Similarly he stretches his arms wide and also gives a wide grin and eyes wide and bright to denote 'lots and lots". Motherly pride and affection was brimming over as she was narrating this to me! It is also fascinating to see the small one pick up new words and expressions one by one and we are closely watching him take this journey!

Now this is patti feeling very very proud of peran and very happy!

God's marvel!


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