
Monday, March 21, 2016

For Bunchin language is only one of the tools

Bunchin is keen to talk on the phone. Only we need an interpreter. He is getting some words and for the others he has a complex system. For some words he just says the first letter. Again if he cannot pronounce the first letter like say,' ka' he will say ' tha' . And for some others he will say the last letter of the word. Again the same logic of for 'ti' he will say 'thi'.

So now you have got his grammer right.So I will tell you what he tells me on the phone and you guess what are the word or words.

thi thi thi  thi thi (this will go on for a while) D tells me he is also smiling widely when he is saying it. Got it! It is patti . He is smiling because, he is able to hear my voice and he is able to call me correctly and have a conversation.

Now for the next, this is a little tough.

thi    (and there is a gap)  and he says  tha. and he kept saying thi and with a gap tha  many times. Thinking he wants to watch some dance videos(thi tha thi for dance) dance videos were played. He was so frustrated he was bawling. D came and when she saw him saying it, she realised the context and said, he was speaking to patti on skype and now the connection got cut.So he is saying patti, kaanum(can't see)  for patti it is thi and for kaanum it is tha.Got it?

Now he is also getting mischievous. When he wants to draw D's attention, he says 'tha tha' with such a soft and sweet voice, that D turns to look at him ,saying thatha. He grins widely, as if to tell her, see I got you to turn to look at me!

He has a picture book, where on one page there are three bears sitting and having food and it is dark outside and there is a sliver of a moon visible from the window. D has shown the picture many a time and shows 'nila'. He is able to say nila, quite well. Then she says the three bears are having 'mum mum' (meaning food). He can say mum mum also quite well. Then she says they are 'karadi'.How will they make a noise? She answers it by saying 'gggrrrrh'.He likes that of course and imitates it.

So it happened that D showed him the moon from the balcony a few days back when some friends had come for a baking session with their kids. Bunchin looked at it and said nila and followed it with mum mum and Grrrrrh. The friends of course looked to D the interpreter. She told them that he is saying the moon is the mum mum and the bears have a eaten a bit of it as food. Just like singers add their own sangathis to any music, to add a personal touch, D added her own twist to his communication! Maybe he is actually thinking so, who knows?

He has become playful. Now he is able to play with other kids. Earlier he would have some toys to play and the other kid would have some other toys to play. As long as they dont fight over the same toys, the mothers are happy and catch up on some baby talk. But now he is actually able to play hide and seek with another child, by hiding behind the curtain folds! He continued this game with his amma and appa also yday.

He tries to say something and if D is able to make out what he is saying, he is just overjoyed. D says it is not possible to describe it, you have to come and see it in person. He understands almost everything that is told to him.

His comprehension of our language is superior to our comprehension of his language!
Kids learn faster than us!
It must be quite frustrating for Bunchin!


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