
Friday, March 11, 2016

Bunchin - a flash forward to Guwahati

D told me that she had taken Bunchin to her students houses just outside the campus. They have lots of cows and calves, goats, hens and chickens and what not. Bunchin just went beserk and was enjoying their company.After a while his excitement got the better of him, and he could not stand, but stand down on the ground and was watching them move about and drinking it all in. He actually patted a small goat and felt thrilled. They were there for an hour and when it was time to leave, of course he would kick up a big fuss. He screamed , he hollered that he wanted to stay there for ever and ever(not yet in words, but in body language, and pitch of his screams!).

Then it was that he would not be bundled alongwith mummy in the baby carrier. He would not be able to see anything. He wanted to sit in the cycle in the luggage carrier at the back! He is just one and a half years old, so that is out of question. But that is not his problem. Then D pacified him by playing some music that he likes on her phone and showing him some butterflies, distracted him and brought him home.

With the result, his head was full of butterflies.She gave him a notebook and a pencil and he was doodling on the pages. Suddenly he shows a portion of the doodle which for him is a butterfly. He cant say 'pattampoochi' yet, so he mimics the flight of a butterfly just like his mom has taught him. He showed me his pattampoochi when he came on skype last evening.His flowing hand movement like a dancer really captured the flight of a butterfly!

D showed me all his art work!. Which was lots of 'kirukkals'. But I am excited !That is the stuff pattis are made of.


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