Bunchin wields the bow!
D had a movie date with a friend and Bunchin and his appa had quality time together. It happened that they wanted to fiddle with the violin which has seen more active days! So it was retrieved from its closet and Bunchin saw some new toy. He was excited and immediately caught hold of the bow. He has to do something, not sit there and stare at anything. So he took to wielding the bow and it went all over the place and he was thrilled.
Slowly he was able to make contact with the string and it produced a very nice sound. He went at it again and again and sure enough a melody emerged as if by magic. Bunchin was trying to tell his appa, see I can make a sound from this big toy!
Appa is overjoyed, and he immediately took a video and put it up on whatsapp.
Patti is amazed at the wonder in Bunchin's eyes as he is figuring out a new toy.
God bless.
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