
Friday, May 06, 2016

What is in ; what is out ; Part II

Mental manathil is out and thillana of balamurali krishna is in:

We have heard enough of OKK songs and especially mental manathil as Bunchin's bedtime song. It used to drive D to have listen to it day in and day out. You play any melodious song and the tiny will keep wide awake. I said this to a friend and she says, think differently, with a rap song he is so bored that he prefers to go to sleep. But with a melody he is happy and wants to listen some more! Ok or rather OKK!

Simply holding a book is out and being fascinated by pictures in it is in

D has a picture of him holding a pg wodehouse book, of course upside down.He is seriously looking at it and we all had a good laugh that at such an early age, he likes to hold a pgw book. D is a great fan of his writing and there is a good chance he will pick up one of those if he picks up any book at home. But now he has his own collection. Lots and lots of children's books with fancy animal pictures and of the thick cardboard variety line up his bookshelf.He was fascinated by them till he got hold of a book having pictures of vehicles. He is hooked on and can endlessly gaze at them and keep repeating what they are till eternity. I bought him a book having pictures of vegetables and fruits. With lofty ideals that the colourful stuff will enthuse him to try to eat them. I had erred. He took one look and it is lying in a far corner of the bookshelf untouched and unspoilt by man and Bunchin. A book having pictures of birds has also suffered a similar fate.

Easy dressing is out and Mougli is in

He never used to have any opinion on dressing. Now he  has developed an intense  dislike to putting on any clothes.Yes, an absolute dislike. I call him digambar. If he is wearing a dress then to make him change it for any of the reasons that we normally change our dress is a marathon effort. A mini war zone is created each and every time.D did consider if the clothes had any rough edges and if they are scratching him and discomforting him in any way. No, he wants to be free.  A real Mougli!

Looking at other kids as rivals is out, and actually liking their company is in

He has yet to start playing with other kids. It happens that when other kids come home or he visits them, each of the kids take up the toy that they like and play comfortably alone with that toy. They are having a thorough inventory of toys in their friend's house.Like today A came visiting and wanted the 'red car'. I told D I have not seen a red car, as I had recently classified and put all the old toys away.She said it is very small and you could have missed it, but not A. It happened A was right of course. A was playing with a dog and Bunchin was busy with his ball. He was bawling about something and the mood changed completely after A came home .For the next one hour, actually adults could have some conversation, as the kiddos were busy playing. This is very new and most welcome.
Earlier the scene played out will be like this. A kid will pick up a toy.The other kid who was quite happy with some other toy will drop it and rush to pick up the same toy the other one has picked up. Now I leave it to readers imagination and experience as to the scene that would unfold.This scene is out!

 Sitting on the roundabout is out, holding the seats and steering it is in

I have never seen a tiny tot not wanting to sit in a round about and enjoy going round and round. He did sit in it for sometime, just to get a feel. But when he has grown sufficiently tall to hold on to a bit of a seat in it, he likes to steer it rather than sit idly. Ditto for the pram. He never enjoyed sitting in it much to all of our intense discomfort. He wanted to steer it. D does not have any picture of his, sitting in a pram but lots and lots of them where he is busy steering it on the roads. Even on the odd day that he deems to sit for a while, he is holding the handlebar and turning it as he wants(that is to the middle of the road, and away from home!) and we can hold the steering stick and twiddle our thumb in frustration.

He likes to do things and see how it works, rather than sit back, relax and enjoy.


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