annual day celebrations
Yesterday evening was annual day celebrations of Kalakshetra part time dance students. The director Leela samson told us, that it was a first, to put the part timers on stage in a full fledged performance at Kalakshetra.My niece was dancing and so the entire family available yesterday in chennai troopped to the campus in the evening and that made two car-fulls. No, we did not gate crash; the children were specifically told to bring parents, brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts, grand parents and also neighbours.We only needed an excuse of course and nothing could hold us back from seeing J on stage, enjoying herself.
I was there during the rehersals yesterday and got a fairly greenroom view of the programme.The teacher was having a tough time getting the akkas, who were in charge of each of the numbers to gel together. The manager in me was immediately looking at the team effort at play and creativity bursting for self expression.Both are usually mutually exclusive and I could see that if one is creative then the mind does not concentrate on the mundane things of organising the entire show meticulously.Not the optimum way to get things going but then that is how it is with creative effort I guess.
The part time students were fifty and nine different numbers were planned for the annaul day programme. Some songs, some dance and one dance drama.The teacher was lamenting about the lack of seriousness and also about the akkas coming in late.She looked a hassled housewife having to get 50 kiddos ready for school!
The performance yesterday was such a big hit that all her efforts were well worth it. I was amazed that the colourful dresses and the 'alankarams' for the small children can make such a difference; of course the lights and the stage and the extremely appreciate audience added to the entire effort. There is a world of difference between rehersals and actual performance.Something magical happens overnight and everything falls into place.
J swayed ever so gently and gracefully for her kolattam number; dressed in her new kili pachai paavadai and having a long plait with flowers and make up, she looked more of a charmer than she usually is.She obviously enjoys dancing, and also being dressed up and on stage with very good make up.
There were other numbers where the children did a wonderful job and it enchanted all of us to be there that evening. Towards the end of the show I was watching the programme from the sidelines. I could see the excitement of the kids who have completed their programme watching the next programme. They obviously know every dance number; i saw them mimicking the actions on stage; i saw them singing softly; i saw them take turns in talking to the small girl who acted as Krishna in the dance drama; i saw them as anxious when there was a misstep on stage as the teachers were, never mind that it was not noticed by the audience.
The best part was the entire troupe lining up at the end of the programme and bidding goodbye.There is something very touching about this simple ritual which made me want to come back the next time.
I could see the new Director making a big difference to the way Kalakshetra is perceived.She is making it inclusive.She thanked everyone individually who contributed to the show as also the support staff including the ayas. She did it very sincerely and handsomely.For a split second I could see myself there.
With lots of aasirvaadam and also that 'drushti' should definitely be cast aside, we made our journey back.
Labels: chennai, dance, kalakshetra