Hey parrots in my garden
I was sitting at my desk, checking mail and getting into a soporific state today afternoon. I was suddenly jolted by the shrieking of birds outside the window. I ignored for a while and suddenly it struck me, that the bird noises are different from the usual mynah's and seven sisters. Ki Ki Ki they were going on in a chorus and i immediately rushed out to see if they are really parrots here. It took a while to make them out in the seethapal tree overlooking our balcony.They were more than six that i could make out and were obviously having a feast of the ripe fruits.I noticed only then that the tree was heavy with a huge harvest of fruits and all obviously very ripe.I was wondering why everyone of them is cranking its neck and hanging upside down and relishing the fruit; obviously because the fruits are hanging down silly, i immediately told myself. They were such a beautiful hue and sooooo parrot green. They were quite a sight when they were in flight, I spotted ever so many shades of parrot green.They were hopping from one branch to another, one fruit to another, taking a nibble here and ignoring another, just like we do in a buffet dinner.
How come i have never seen them all these years? Yes, the seethaphal tree has been here for quite a few years and i have always spotted squirrels making a go at it but never parrots. But then is it that i have been busy and never had time to stand and stare?
The last time that i have stood and watched a group of parrots partaking their tiffin, was in Ajmer. It was a pomogranete tree that time; they were there all the time throughout the day; i guess it was not the same group.I used to be fascinated at their twisting action to get at the most luscious part of the fruit.It used to provide much amusement and entertainment to both yash and prash.
As i rush to pen this blog, i am not hearing their shrieks. But i know that i will wait for them tomorrow same time same place, for their orchestra.
Labels: nature's eternal appeal