story of a garbage bin
I have got back to walking inside the colony for the last few days.The weather is mild and the area quiet at that time of the morning. Did notice the 'onyx' pick up van which collects the garbage from households a few days back. I also spotted a supervisor who was ensuring that the fellow does a clean job. Which was when i noticed that the garbage bin at the end of the colony near malaviya avenue was missing. And i found a prominent notice painted on the wall of the house"do not drop garbage here; by order chennai corporation!".The supervisor was ensuring that the bin is moved.I assumed that the owner of the house nearby must have made some powerful complaint about the location of the bin, just outside his compound.There is a hospital nearby and also an 'andhra mess' and i am sure the bin gets full in no time; and later the garbage gets strewn all over the place outside the bin.Not a pretty sight, and not a pleasant odour either.
I did find a few stray plastic bags with kitchen waste, strewn there for the next few days.Today i found a small placard standing there, once again exhorting the 'garbage throwers' not to dump garbage there.I was wondering about the whereabouts of the garbage bin. I spotted it a few yards away, standing cosily side by side with another garbage bin!;I wondered why that landlord did not object to not one but two bins parked outside his house. It was then i noticed that the house is bolted and secured and nobody appeared to be living there. I could visualise the bin getting tossed about from one location to another and finally landing here, where nobody would object. It is also no wonder that yet another bin has also found its way by its side.
I immediately recalled an earlier incident. We were staying for a short while in a company guest house.I used to spot a garbage bin, bang outside the gate. It used to irritate me, so i told the security guard that they should get the garbage bin shifted a little away, so that it is not staring at you while you are entering the guest house. Next day i did not find it there and thought i have accomplished a neat job.Only to be shocked by its reappearance at the same spot a few days later. The security guard gave me a big story about his himalayan efforts to get it out of the way, but like a bad penny it came back as nobody wanted it anywhere near their house!And since this was a guest house where guests are in and out of the place, it has safely parked itself there.
So the moral of the story is, the garbage bin moveth and having moved, moves long as there are guest houses and locked houses.