
Monday, May 01, 2006

will you be still periamma?

Had to face an interesting question from my niece who is all of 6 years old.
She is quite excited with mehandi ceremony and nalangu ceremony and nichyatartham coming one after another in quick succession.And you throw in a house warming ceremony for variety.All these festivities has made her to do some quick thinking. What if scenarios, if you would. Suddenly out of the blue she asked me, when i grow old and get married and get a kid, would you be still periamma?
Bowled me over, made me think for a minute and i said, yes, any problems.She wanted to know if i would not be a patti.I said, yes, now that you mention it.She immediatley said, patti vendam, you be periamma only. I said, fine lady, if you insist.
She has been keenly interested in relationships and the myriad web that we in India weave.She will keep coming back and forth about any new cousin or relation that she meets.And she will do a complete revision of all the relatives that she knows, of course getting them all tangled half way through.
The other day had two of our tiny neighbours came calling looking for my niece.since she was not around, they wanted some activity to spend time. I showed them shatabhishekam snaps as also some snaps of our trip to pondicherry.
They got every person mixed up as to their relationship with me;Actually it involved prash and yash and then avni(my brothers daughter) and jhanvi(my sister's daughter).Four kids and the way they relate to me out of which two are my kids!Finally they gave up saying, 'it is all so confusing aunty".I had a hearty laugh.
Remembered when i was young and involved relationships used to be touted at us, like ammanga, athangai, athan manni and so on.And we felt perplexed. Now kids feel perplexed at first cousins!


At 10:43 PM, Blogger Snowbeak said...

please explain the ammangas and athangas and athan manni to me? i am fairly beyond confusion as far as first cousins go!

At 1:34 AM, Blogger vasukumar said...

mama's daughter is ammanga
athai's daughter is athanga
athai's daughter in law is athan manni
Athai's son is athaan
Mama's son is ammanji!(no connection to Jumanji i am afraid)

At 1:55 AM, Blogger Snowbeak said...

whoaaaaaa. the mind buzzes. though i think i can see the logic in the naming.

At 1:56 AM, Blogger Snowbeak said...

btw, how come periamma's and chitti's kids have been given the short shift in having no specific term?

At 3:23 AM, Blogger vasukumar said...

because they are right away tambis and tangachis that's why.

Of course there is an entire branch called 'ondru vita'.It is for a pg course!

At 6:53 PM, Blogger bluejagger said...

now a days no body calls the cousins as 'athans' and 'amanjis'. I remember one of my father's second cousin who came to attend my brothers's 'poonal' shouting in a loud voice 'amanjeeee' and hugging my dad. He was seeing my dad after a long gap. I heard the word for the first time. we did call some of our cousins, ' athanmanni' and 'athan' and 'athanga' I think now those words are extinct.

At 9:21 AM, Blogger raju said...

in future these words will not be relevant and will be a part of memory only , as most families are single child homes. how we lose good traditions.Quite distinctive from neuter english words.



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