
Monday, April 17, 2006

In or Out?

The other day i remembered this game we used to play as small children. I dont see kids playing this game now. Is it out of fashion i wonder.
But then the reason i thought of this game was while watching the people who were watching the tennis matches in our club.Passers-by usually stop near the gate and gaze interestedly at the players merrily tossing the ball or heatedly arguing a line call; in fact, generally enjoying themselves and letting their hair down.I have noticed the keen interest ' aam jan' have in watching any game, any where.
But then when i see the picker boys or the marker,stand inside the gate and watch what is happening outside on the roads, i was remembering ' in or out'.
When we are outside the tennis court, we are interested in what is happening there and while we are inside the court, we are interested in what is happening outside the court!
I felt i have discovered a great home truth and shared the same kumar.He said, it is common human tendency to feel 'grass is greener on the other side'.I still felt, that human beings are constantly looking for diversion and enjoyment and instead of looking within themselves, are quite distracted by the 'outside' world!


At 10:18 PM, Blogger Snowbeak said...

whoa, really profound!

At 4:37 AM, Blogger vasukumar said...

hey Ramamnikr: You have paid the greatest compliment to me; that i think like my mom does.
And also i am glad i asked my daughter yasaswini to give the link.
Now you have one more job. Now that you have spotted mother and daughter , can you spot another mother and daughter???


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