
Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Practice while sleeping

Chikoo is trying to turn over.He did turn over in the second month but it was a sudden and one off event. When he is rested and playful, he puts his entire fist in his month and lifts both legs to his chest and rolls over on one side.That's it. It stops there. At other times he tries a different technique. He lies prone on his back and presses his feet firmly and also his head.Then with a lot of gusto arches his entire torso  and sometimes he tilts on his side.That's it. This practice has been going on for the last few days.
Last night he has taken the practice session a little deeper. He is practicing the moves in his sleep. Yes, no kidding. D said he first tries out these moves in his sleep and then lets it out to the eager audience in the next few days when he feels he is ready. She did not tell us what his latest moves were in his sleep last night. Well guarded secret!

If you are sceptical, let me tell you that he has been practising various sounds in his sleep last few weeks and suddenly he is letting out lots of new sounds. Thatha and me were with him and talking to him the other day and suddenly he let out a word "yeah".We were totally stunned and looked at each other in disbelief. He did not repeat so you only have our combined word for it. I talk to him a lot and he is nowadays responding with grunts and screeching sounds and gurgles of a wide variety.

Visitors take one look at the profusion of saliva and say with total conviction that he is going to talk soon and he will be fond of talking. I was with him and talking to him last evening and after a while sat down to recite vishnu sahasranamam. He waited for exactly 4 lines and let out a big yell. He did not like that I was saying something in a totally monotonous way and which clearly meant I was not talking to him and he did not like that. No, I am not making it up.

All this is fine. That he is practising sounds and movements while sleeping is fine. But what he (and in turn we) totally need is that he should Practise Sleeping! And having practised it should actually sleep like all two and a half month old infants are supposed to sleep.
Yes, look forward to such times!


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