
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Mommie wielded the bat! and how!!

Mommie was not a 'darkpok' by any stretch of imagination. In an earlier post i had mentioned that we lived in a "forest"(shrubbery actually!).There would have been enough occasions to get frightened by strange noises and sounds. But not mommy!She will be right there in front if we so much as whisper about strange noises.
This occasion was right in the middle of one hot summer afternoon. There I was in our study chatting with a friend who had dropped by.Suddenly spotted a snake curled up on the backrest of a chair in the room.(It was a solid wooden chair , that appa used as his study post;used to called it bug proof chair;he used to be quite proud of it;it is still there in their place, occupying pride of place ;none the worse for wear and tear of 50 odd years) No clue how it was there and we did not notice all that while. Zoom i bolted out of the door with my friend in toe into the garden and stood on top of the high stone slab which used to double up as a board for washing clothes.Scared out of my wits I was.This stone was also at a vantage point to oversee operations in the room!Yes, there was curiosity too!Enters mommy into the room and closes all doors and windows and armed with a cricket bat has a go at the snake!She is on dot but then one snake becomes two!!Other details are hazy, but mommy killed two snakes with one cricket bat!And with no other reinforcements from any of us!
There have been any number of occasions when appa and amma both would have a go at 'peruchalis' which used to sneak in. But then this was 'high drama'.
Heard of brave women of Tamil Nadu from historic novels that they used to attack tigers with a 'muram'(winnow).But then mommy in true Tamil style faced two snakes with a cricket bat and won that round.
What i recall about that episode was, mommy did not stay back to look at the effect her valour had on us. She just got back to her numerous chores in the kitchen without batting an eyelid. That is mommy in her hey days!


At 1:27 AM, Blogger Snowbeak said...

mein gott! paati in true fearless fashion.

wonder if that spirit is lurking somewhere (totally undetected) in me?

At 7:08 AM, Blogger vasukumar said...

Have a bumble bee in your room . and sit straight and continue watches the tv or working without as much as giving it a sideglance!
This is the test for a typical urbanite to test her fearlessness.howzaat!


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